Hi! I’m Esther, a creative copywriter based between Tel Aviv and New York City.

I earned my BA in Psychology at NYC’s Touro University and am currently enhancing my skills at CopyTribe, the virtual school for copywriters.

Over the past six years, I’ve worked on a variety of projects, helping businesses and organizations weave engaging stories and share them with the world. I’m passionate about what I do and am especially interested in the fields of mental wellness, travel, and culture.

Ready to start your project? Drop me a line and we’ll get straight to work. 

Hatzolah of Melbourne

Hatzolah Heroes was more than a campaign; it was a call to action for each member of the Melbourne Jewish community to become a hero. In times of emergency, seconds can make all the difference, and Hatzolah Melbourne has been at the forefront of providing rapid, life-saving medical response for nearly 30 years.

For their annual fundraiser, which successfully raised close to a million dollars, we produced this clip to show that every community member can choose to be a hero.

Video Series, Non-Profit

Rabbi Wallerstein Legacy Fund

Decades after the Bais Yaakov movement began, Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein recognized the need for a new revolution: beyond study, today’s Jewish girls need to know and feel and connect and heal. 

In honor of the first anniversary of his passing, we wrote scripts for a video series sharing the stories of women whose lives Rabbi Wallerstein impacted.

Video Series , Non Profit


Read between the lines. That was the message of Nevonim, a Brooklyn-based organization serving young adults in crisis on their journeys toward recovery and self-actualization. 

With the debut of their rebrand, we wrote a series of video scripts to give people insight into Nevonim’s life-saving work.

Video Series, Non-Profit

Brooklyn MRKT

It’s CandyLand for adults! 

Welcome to the Brooklyn MRKT, an annual shopping expo to benefit Ohr Naava. With most of their marketing taking place on social media, this video series gave their followers–and those of their partners–a taste of the iconic buying bonanza.

Video Series , Event Promo


Batya’s Kitchen

Video Ad Campaign, Service Industry

Yeshivah Beth Rivkah

Video Script, Non-Profit



Video Script, Fashion Boutique

Chabad of Westport

Video Script, Non-Profit